Friday, March 11, 2011

The October Revolution Continued

Well, my removal only took twenty hours. I feel pathetic. The end defeat at Polkovo was well fought, my men. I hope your lives are good in Russia.  All is well, though, for me as well. I have done what I can to help the Russians and right now life is France is nice. It is more peaceful and a lot less hectic. However, I do miss my power and being able to make decisions. As of right now, I feel like a worthless lump.

Though I would like to say that I am a near perfect human being, this is not so. I would like to take this time to reflect on what I could have done better. Sorry, my people, I wish I could have done better
1.) Arresting the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution. This was foolish and only led to their uprising.
2.) Staying in the Great War. This was a terrible decision. This left the economy ruined and many people starving. The lack of supplies caused a tremendous amount of suffering. I am deeply apologetic.
3.) I failed to offer peasants land. I am willing to bet that I would have gained many more supporters had I given the peasants land. Lenin did this and was able to steal many of my followers.

1 comment:

  1. The October Revolution! I was a leader of this revolution and I successfully lead it. It was lead against you and we were able to overthrow the Provisional Government and give the power to the Soviet people so that they could have a say in what to do with their government.
