Friday, March 11, 2011

Do Not Worry; Things Are Not As Dim As They Seem

Let me say this: being Prime Minister is most certainly NOT an easy job. People who were or were not your friends have shown their real selves and taken their facade off. Lenin and Trotsky are two prime examples. Those two fools were starting to gain too much power and were taking away from the government. I had to disseminate their Bolshevik movement and arrest Trotsky. Lenin escaped to Poland or something.

Poor Russia! She has been fighting for nearly three years and is obviously worn out. It is definitely terrible, but I have faith, and I am sure she will pull through. Unfortunately our involvement in the Great War does not seem to be too popular with some of you, especially the soldiers and the working class. I know I promised to stop fighting, but we have gotten so far! It is imperative that we push through this pain; I am sure the end result will be well worth it.

Darn Lenin! He has returned to Russia and is taking my supporters. He and the Bolsheviks only SEEM more popular because the are offering "peace, land, and bread" under a communist system. Can't you guys see through his plan? It is obviously terrible. Whatever you guys do, do NOT support Lenin!

Another sad event has occurred. It looks as though my philosophy, "no enemies to the left," has made me isolate right- wing conservatives and give the Bolshevik Revolution an upper hand. Also, arresting all those officers has seemed to have left me without strong allies. This looks bad.

Do not fret yet Russians! As I have said before, I will pull through! Keep your faith with me!


  1. You tell them, Kerensky!

    Just kidding. While I don't like Lenin or Trotsky, that certainly doesn't mean that I like you. After all, you represent the Provisional Government of Russia that threw out my beloved Mama and Papa (the Tsar and Tsarina). This revolution that is going on is ridiculous. All you people ought to have just left things as they were. Russia was fine! (Although I do admit, the tsar's many bungled military plans did reduce my confidence in him). Still, I stand by what I said. Revolution = lame.

    -Grigori Rasputin

    Don't' be a hater just because people like my new and innovative plans more than they like you! You dirty little scum. Why are you so stooping so low that you must blog about me? I know I'm irresistable, but please! Get a little self-control, Kerensky!
    It is only karma that you are left allie-less. Must be all of the back-stabbing you did to me. I sincerely hope that all of your plans and reforms fail. You do not deserve to have any power whatsoever, for you are not a true leader. You don't even know what your own people want. I, on the other hand, am completely in-tune with the wants of my people.
    You might want to take a chill pill and learn a thing or two from me. It might benefit you, and we all know that you need as much as help as you can get.
